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Artistic Director of the Sao Carlos Theater in Lisbon


Period: 24-29 august 2021


Final Concert 29 August 2021


Audition for the Sao Carlos Theater in Lisbon

Hearing for the Agency

Adriana Molina Management


Tassa di iscrizione 50€

Tassa di frequenza 350€






Fill out the registration form that you find under the rules and send the required documents




Rules and Program of the Masterclass


Art. 1 - Lake Como Music Academy - Municipality of Bellano The Lake Como Music Academy Cultural Association organizes several highly specialized masterclasses in opera singing as part of its annual program. In particular, the masterclass with soprano Elisabete Matos, Artistic Director of the Teatro S.Carlos in Lisbon from 24 to 29 AUGUST 2021 in Bellano (Lake Como)

Art. 2 - Venue and lessons The masterclass will take place in Bellano, on Lake Como at the Theater in via Roma or in the large Community Hall in P.zza S.Giorgio (both close). All lessons will always have the presence of an accompanying Maestro pianist

Art. 3 - Admission. Singers of any nationality without age limits, but who have already undertaken the study of opera singing, are admitted to participate. A limited number of singers will be able to participate in the masterclass

Art. 4 - Course program The program of the course includes the study and technical, vocal and interpretative preparation of some opera arias, chosen by the student, with the presence at the piano of M ° Damiano Cerutti

Art. 5 - Registration. The application form must be received no later than 20 August 2021. Once the number of admitted registrations has expired, registrations will no longer be accepted and will be refunded. Registration must be made by sending the documentation required in this article to the form found under this regulation Required documentation:

1. Registration form duly completed and signed (fill out the form below)

2. Attach your Curriculum Vitae (in .doc or .pdf format) ;

3. Attach a copy of the identity document (in .Jpeg format) ;

4. Attach a copy of the payment of the registration fee (in .doc or .pdf format)

Art. 6 - Methods of payment. The registration fee for the actual student to the masterclass is € 50.00, Master is 350€. The registration fee for auditors is € 100.00 (one hundred / 00 euros).

Payment must be sent by bank transfer to:


CREVAL Bank, Branch of Lecco

IBAN: IT77E0521622900000000007428 BIC / SWIFT: BPCVIT2S

Reason: NAME SURNAME Elisabete Matos 2021 masterclass registration

NB: Please indicate the name and surname of those who subscribe It is also possible to pay with Pay Pal with the button below (attention: there is an increased commission of 10 €)






The membership card fee (€ 100) will not be refundable in the event of the participant's renunciation.

Art. 7 - Attendance. The times of the masterclasses with the relative breaks will be agreed by the teacher together with the enrolled students. Students will be required to attend at least 80% of the total lesson hours. In the event that the student does not attend 80% of the total hours, he will not receive the final certificate.

Art. 8 - Cancellation. The organization reserves the right to cancel the masterclass if there is not a sufficient number of participants or if causes beyond its control prevent it from running smoothly. In these cases, members will be reimbursed the registration fee and any attendance fee if already paid.

Art. 9 - Final concert and audition for the agencies and theaters present. The actual students will participate in the final concert to be held in Bellano on 4 September 2021. The students who participate in the concert will not receive any compensation or reimbursement of expenses for the performance. The student must ensure their presence at the concert, without exception of any kind. The concert will be attended by some Agencies or Artistic Directors who will be able to offer the student further opportunities for professional growth. The certificate of participation will be delivered to all students (active and auditors) at the end of the final concert.

Art. 10 - Auditors. They will be required to attend 80% of the total hours to receive the certificate of attendance. They will be able to intervene with discretion in the masterclass by asking questions to the Maestro at the permitted times. It will be possible to have an audition with the Agencies, Theaters and Artistic Directors on September 4th.

Art. 11 - Shooting of images, audio and video. By registering, the participant in the masterclass gives his consent for filming and radio and television broadcasts, for shooting images as well as for audio and video tapes made in the context of lectures, rehearsals, auditions, concerts and performances operatic, performed by the or




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